Riveting storyline, relatable characters and glorious tales of vengeance. Plus, you can’t go wrong when it’s narrated by the legend with the “voice of the apocalypse.”
Great series!
Review from The Endarkened →
Review from The Endarkened →
Review from Population Zero: Book 3 →
Review from The Devil Dog Trilogy: Out of the Dark →
What a great small series of post apocalyptic events. The perspective of a Battle hardened Soldier has become one of my favorites, Dicks vices, hardened, straight shooting, woman & kid loving Character made him so realistic, so personable that I found myself having similar nightmares and my whole perspective on the opioid addicted changed. As..
Review from Days of Want Series, Books 1-7 →
Review from Journeys Out of the Body →
Review from Prepper: Book 1 →
this series is so slow. 1 book takes place over a single day. the prologue in the first book doesn’t actually happen until book 3. tons of unnecessary flashbacks to 15 years before the story takes place, I don’t care about what happened in Syria 15 years ago. none of the “twists” are actual twists,..
Review from Masters of Mayhem →
Review from Hostile Takeover →