It was riveting. Good twist in the epilogue. Listen to the Prepper series and then come back to this. It’ll keep you entertained for hours.
This is getting good 😁
Review from Prepper Nation →
Review from Prepper Nation →
Review from Days of Want Series, Books 1-7 →
overall, this is a decent story. the beginning books are much more believable than the later books however. I have a problem with prepper books that feature a civilain 18-25 year old female shouting down special ops, marines, etc., and that happens constantly in this series. her plans are almost always better than the officers..
Nothing overly gruesome or repetitive, fairly general characters developed, no one persone stands out from everyone else – nice to have an average mix of people vs so and so is special ops and has this and that special training. The story flowed, though at times had to back up because of the sudden switch..
Review from 299 Days →
Review from Dangerous Dozen →