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Incredible world building

Review from Viking Tomorrow →

Jeremy Robinson and Kane Gilmour are an author dream team with Viking Tomorrow. In this adventure, we meet Val, who has been on her own since she was six-years-old. Fighting and violence is all she knows in post apocalyptic Scandinavia. In her 23 years, she has became an honorable, skilled and powerful Viking warrior. And..

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Great book.

Review from Far Cry →

Far Cry is an enjoyable book. Set in a small New England town with people full of history of the town, its people, the landmarks and all the gossips. Quick, easy to read and very enjoyable book.

Complete waste of your money

Review from Existential →

The story is a rehash of an old movie with Kurt Russell. The characters are undeveloped and boring. The performance deserves a zero star. The downward inflection of his voice at the end of every sentence is mind-numbing.