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Story good, Narrators ugh

Review from The Distance →

I loved the story but honestly hated the male narrator for this role. Very monotone, which really took away from who I think this character was. The female voice was alright but not emotional enough for me. I did like the story in the fact that it involves my favorite themes, apocalyptic and involving aliens.

Great series but.

Review from Flux →

Gotta say, it was an interesting story. Not as good as the first 2. The main character is special forces and a badadd. Unfortunately, it seems that every time someone dies, it is because he’s standing around blabbering when safety is only feet or inches away. This tended to get old. Still, it’s a good..

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Good story, Too Much Swearing!

Review from Rogue →

Seriously, can’t you be creative enough to write a thrilling story without swearing? The profanity was excessive! Annoyingly so. I know you write good stories, Mr T…I’ve listened to enough of them. They are good, most of them, when you don’t go to excess with your swearing.

Interesting Story

Review from Flux →

if not for the colorful expressions, I wouldn’t have enjoyed the voice actor. The story is interesting enough though, I am enjoying the attempt to tie all of these unique stories into one universe…very marvel


Review from Apocalypse Machine →

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect from this book. once I began reading it I was hooked on the whole end of the world idea. then a few chapters in Bam! the book got a whole lot more interesting and exciting. then I thought I knew what I was getting into. then mid book..

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Reviews are fake

Review from Quarter Share →

I bought this just to spite all the woke people complaining about lack of feminism, but it actually is just a horribly dull and boring book, and so is book two. Literally, nothing happens. It’s just some kid’s boring life brewing coffee on navy duty. No wars. No attacks. No crisis. No struggle. No growth…

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Had to push through…

Review from Flux →

I’m trying to get through the Jeremy Robinson collection but this one, much like Infinite 2, was almost too hard to get through. So many story lines that just drone on and seem unnecessary, like if you skipped one you wouldn’t miss a beat. I really hope Exo Hunter and Others are more exciting!