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Its ambition excuses its flaws

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

Because the story of the world’s climate is so sweeping, it requires every tool in the storyteller’s pick-up truck: character development, plotting, a beat-perfect story arc, and more. It takes a storyteller of consummate skill to wield those tools. Kim Stanley Robinson is not that storyteller. But that’s OK! “The Ministry for the Future“ is..

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Review from Wounded Kiss →

I liked it more then I thought I would. Though I know the story continues in book 2 I had hoped for more in this book. We shall see what book 2 brings, then I will have a fuller opinion.

Just ok

Review from A Haunting in Rose Grove →

Story was ok. Writing was weird, very formal during conversations which made for awkward reading – no one talks that way! Narrator was ok, not much emotion and a lot of characters sounded the same. Not a bad book, but not one I’ll listen to again.