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A Nail Biter!

Review from Hush Hush →

What an enjoyable second book! This is a great suspenseful tale which did not turn out like I thought it would. I love it when that happens! I enjoyed meeting all the characters. They were well done and lively. This is my second book by this author for me and they just keep getting better…

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A short story but it is mighty!

Review from Deadly Silence →

This is quite the interesting story! It drew me in from the beginning and kept my intrigued until the end! Very well written! Explosive Action! Deep characters! I loved it and look forward to the next! This one might be short but it is mighty! I did listen to this on audio. Gary Bennett is..

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Important content for leaders.

Review from Hope Rising →

This content is relevant and important. From a variety of perspectives. Do you work with humans? Are you a human?I apply my learning about trauma, resilience, motivation, and communication to my practice. I learned a definition of “hope” that is measurable and confirmation that it is teachable. The teachable part important for organizations and souls..

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Good, but…

Review from Kobani →

Good book that raises some interesting thoughts on the future of warfare and potentially the cost of getting too much information on the battlefield. With that said, the book should have been part of a series. It was not. The ending just didn’t match the tone or tempo of the first 98% of the book…

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