View: geeceebee - page 52

Drags on

Review from The Dragon Mage Series, Books 7-9 →

I have too largely agree with the other reviews in that this series peaked around book 3. the characters are overall likable, but damn are the tropes in these books strong. with a morbid curiosity I am going to start the last three books. I can only expect that the same antagonist comes back to..

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a rough ramble

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

Cool ideas; crap story. Kim can’t seem to integrate good ideas into the story, so we ultimately don’t remember the ideas or care about the story. Excellent interludes, introducing sci-fi ideas that truly feel logical and inevitable. Given that the setting is our world and the topic is climate change, that’s impressive. However, the story..

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It’s Alright…

Review from Financial Sorcery →

I love Jason Miller’s books for the most part. As for this one… it’s a decent read if you’re new to his work I suppose. My issue with this particular book is that I’ve heard / read all of this information in his other works. Specifically, if you’ve read “The Sorcerer’s Secrets”, you read 90%..

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Review from Brink of War →

You have to suspend reality completely to read this book. Normally I can do that for the sake of a great story. I just couldn’t get there with this one. Not enough of the plot seemed remotely plausible for me to enjoy this book.