View: geeceebee - page 39

Couldn’t listen to

Review from Bone Deep →

This book was painful to listen to. The monotone narrator and incongruent telling of the story was just terrible. The story itself is interesting, just not in this format!

I was disappointed

Review from Order of Shirán →

I did not like the narrator I could hardly stay awake, listening to him, and I would like to have known what happened to Eleanor’s wife and children and friends not her best book and I am one of her biggest fans

A bit of a disappointment

Review from Zee Knocked Down →

After a great first book, the second iteration falls short. The MC became a completely incompetent character. His group combat contributions are even worse than the healers. He now relies on gimmicks and luck to achieve a victory. The writer spends way more time describing what everyone else is doing while our hero is doing..

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Interesting twist on LITRPG

Review from Zee Locked In →

The story is great. The characters are great. The premise of the world is great world building is good, but the page filling stat pages are annoying. We definitely do not need all of the achievements read over and over again worth a read or listen, but I hope the author Doesn’t continue to use..

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Review from The Ministry for the Future →

Great beginning, great performance, several excellent chapters. Large part of this book but more like a Travel line, and well that worked in the Mars trilogy. I don’t think it was As needed here overall and nice read.


Review from Bone Deep →

Great telling of an unbelievable true story. I listened to this on my morning commute and found myself thinking there was no way this could have happened. I can say is WOW!

A new favorite book!

Review from Order of Shirán →

This new series by R.K. Lander has been long awaited. I enjoyed reading about many beloved characters from the Silvan series and the introduction to some new characters I, fell in love with. Learning about the Shiran and the different clans that belong in it, the continuing conflict they fight along with many other warriors..

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