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WOW! What a story!

Review from Me and the Cottonwood Tree →

I found this book on Audible and decided to try it. Wow! This book is incredible with so many hilarious stories of Herb growing up in the dirty 30’s and into the 40’s. Perfect narration made it even better! I have about an hour left of this story but had to write a review bc..

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Run of the Mill Advice

Review from The Sorcerer’s Secrets →

Very basic advice with a few thee and thou invocations thrown in – doesnt seem all that interesting to me. An example, if you are not beautiful, in love matters do make sure you show off the other positive qualities you may have. Gee, never thought of that, thanks much mssr. sorcerer. Not sure how..

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realistic but hopeful

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

realistic but also hopeful – despite the intensity of the first chapter, definitely did not leave me in a climate doom spiral, but thankfully the narrative doesn’t rely on humans being smarter, more creative, or good-natured than were actually are. This makes the work feel hard but possible in the here and now. what a..

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