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Review from Fever →

This book was so funny; this dude made a art out of taking no for an answer. I thought Sotay’s voice was a bit on the high side, it was hard to take him seriously; even with his hard core promises of what he would do. Narrators were good.

Excellent, but seemed incomplete

Review from Bad Luck Charlie →

I really liked this story. It has so much potential and was done very well. I really enjoyed the characters, but thought the initial setup where all of his crew mates except maybe one were murdered at the very beginning of the story was a bit heavy handed and lacked any real value to the..

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Great Solutions/Boring Story

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

This book made me optimistic about the future. The solutions implemented in the story sound very doable and I’m hopeful at least some of them become a reality. But the story was often boring and the author spent far too much time describing the geography of Zurich.

Book 1?

Review from The Last Voyage →

Although I very much enjoyed the first 80% of the book, the last 20% was an anti-climatic debate on abortion. IF it ended at the 80% mark, I could see the series continuing on. However, this feels like the story is completely wrapped up with a Blue Bow on top. Again, I still enjoyed it!