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Good but short

Review from Sidone →

I really wish there was more to this story. It is a very short novella and honestly could be skipped if you didn’t want to spend the money on it. Audible credits are worth more than the price of this books so I would suggest interested listeners buy it over spending their earned credits. Again,..

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Great start to new series after Alpha Hord

Review from Hunger →

PREPARE YOURSELF!!! This is an Omegaverse series! This is a great sexy start to the series and picks up where the Alpha Hord books end. I simply love these books. They are hot, pure MF knotted Omegaverse greatness…NO pearl clutching allowed! Narration by Ava Lucas is always on point. I really miss Aaron Shedlock’s voice…

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Off the Charts Steamy…

Review from Sold →

Sold was a fast-paced short novella with a high steam factor. I went into it blind and therefore didn’t know what to expect. I am not a huge fan of menage books but I thought I would give it a try. I listened to the book and I will definitely say that while I didn’t..

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Review from The Ministry for the Future →

I had high hopes for this book, especially since it was on Obama’s reading list, but honestly it was a huge let down. It is basically the author’s solution to climate change wrapped in a dull story. I’m used to the author giving us rich characters and a well crafted story, but at no point..

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Radicalizing and Imaginative

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

Robinson manages to write a fiction that is somehow more radicalizing in its implications than the excellent works of non-fiction detailing the climate crisis, partly because he tries to imagine not the apocalypse scenarios, but instead the prevailing ones.Imaginative in a way that feels real, ambitious, and somehow dreamlike all at once, Ministry for the..

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Review from Space Pirate Charlie →

Moved along really well and didn’t waste a ton of time with exposition or belittling the listener with jargon. Was a fun story and all the heroes got to showcase their development a bit more.