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Bad Narration

Review from Bad Luck Charlie →

For some reason the narrator whisper talks through the whole book with little to no emotion or inflection. Even with scenes where the crew is crashing and trying to save the ship the narrator speaks in a whispery super calm tone.

Such a delightful story!

Review from Didn’t Expect You →

4.5-stars! I recently had the opportunity to listen to Didn’t Expect You by Claudia Burgoa and I loved it. I especially loved the various narrators and how they brought this story to life. The story was narrated by Aaron Shedlock, Virginia Rose, Jason Clarke, Brooke Bloomingdale, Teddy Hamilton. Liam Sanderson and Connor Brown. It was..

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new subtitle: serendipity

Review from Space Pirate Charlie →

more like Good Luck Charlie. How many times did the author write the equivalent of “all hope was lost, but then suddenly…”? after the pains the first book took to tell us just how smart Charlie is, I was really hoping he’d actually act smart in this book.but nope, he and pretty much all the..

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it’s not bad but it’s not great either

Review from Fever →

the love scene are lackluster and the relationship not really flushed out. it’s would be better if they focused more on the story or the love. Because they can’t do both. like I said before it’s all just kinda good no part was great or would make me come back for another read.

cliche but fun.

Review from Bad Luck Charlie →

it certainly isn’t breaking any new grounds, but it was still an enjoyable story nonetheless. hoping the sequels better showcase his intelligence, given they made such a big deal illustrating what a brilliant engineer he is. the calm and soothing narration, though, was at odds with the narrative. well spoken, but almost sleepy, even through..

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