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Left me wanting more

Review from Sidone →

Often I read of strong women of earth in science fiction/ fantasy but seldom do I find a book with a strong woman from another planet that is not evil. This short had such a woman that is strong of character and strength. She was not shy about her desires. The male was funny and..

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Loved Nyx and Nate!

Review from Didn’t Expect You →

Nate is the perfect book boyfriend! The guy who has it all and doesn’t want to fall in love, but can’t help it. He proves time and time again that he loves Nyx in every way even before they are a thing. This story gave me all of the feels and I absolutely fell in..

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Waiting for Love

Review from Didn’t Expect You →

I read the ebook when it was released. Listening to the story and having the characters brought to life by different narrators was perfect. This allowed me to easily follow the plot. Ms. Burgoa always gives a HEA which I enjoy.

Excellent Solarpunk Book.

Review from The Ministry for the Future →

I can’t believe that entire world was in Kim Stanley Robinson’s head. Amazing. This is a hopeful novel with some very realistic future predictions of the effects of climate change and the solutions that might follow. Starts out sad. stick with it.


Review from The Ministry for the Future →

This book is just boring. There are pockets of adventure, but in between are huge sections of weird quasi scientific ranting. It jumps around. I gave up about 5 hours in. I suspect it is better is you read it so you can see the breaks and skim some of the pieces when they get..

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Talk about a slow burn…

Review from Didn’t Expect You →

I listened to this book on audio. Talk about sloooooooooooow buuuuuuuuurn romance. This might have been the most agonizing, I-want-them-to-be-together feeling that I’ve ever experienced while reading. The story definitely called for it. Nyx and Nate couldn’t be more opposite but somehow they worked out perfectly for one another. I love when a character that..

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Good but not great

Review from Bad Luck Charlie →

It took until I was about half way for the book to really draw me in. After that I was very invested in Charlie’s story. I love the combination of sci-fi and fantasy. However, the pacing too fast in some areas and too slow in others.