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A Great Thriller

Review from Death Do Us Part →

I went into this audiobook with as open a mind as possible. Not my typical genre, but it ended up being a great “read!” The plot kept me glued to my phone, guessing and questioning and thoroughly entertained. Strong characters and good narration cinched the deal for this listener! Give it a listen and you’ll..

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Not what I expected

Review from Gold Is Might →

I decided to try this after reading the author’s Sorceror King series and I’m always up for some LitRPG. As soon as the story starts though, it doesn’t make sense to me. The system voice states that it’s going to start a game. As with all games, players generally start out with a similar set..

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Home invasion gone wrong?

Review from Death Do Us Part →

This story is fantastic. I was up way too late listening. I had to finish it before I could get any sleep. So many twists and turns. Several suspects. I know this author will ruin or even kill off his leading characters. So, I really was on the edge of my seat the whole way!..

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Vengeance Has A Long Memory

Review from Pay Dirt →

Exciting Novel of Vengeance & Death. Characters of a small town are being taken out by a vengeful spirit. In this town full of vengeful spirits and wraiths, you can’t step a foot out of line, without something wanting to take you out.

Another winner from a great author!

Review from Death Do Us Part →

Great story of fear, love, obsession, determination and humility. The main character is not the typical macho man, but an ordinary, flawed human being with issues of his own. The story is filled with action and emotion. As with all of this author’s stories, there are twists and unexpected moments, which make his books ‘unputdownable.’That..

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Phil Williams writes another WINNER!!!!

Review from Death Do Us Part →

I always enjoy books by Phil Williams. This one is no exception. I expected a good story and that’s exactly what I got! Williams often tackles subjects considered taboo from a realistic perspective. His characters are believable and his scenarios are plausible. In this book James Harris (the protagonist) is a college professor. He has..

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