The proposal was modest, it could have been less modest but it was modest enough for me
The proposal was modest
Review from A Modest Proposal →
Review from A Modest Proposal →
Review from Yeager →
Review from Armageddon →
Review from Awaken Online: Catharsis →
Review from Armageddon →
Skip straight to at least chapter 18. I like the series overall, but the author is trying way too hard to show character growth. It was ok at the start of the series, but after every book he resets their growth just so they can go through the same growth again. Skipping to the point..
Review from The Lost Starship →
Review from Armageddon →
Review from The Store →
I knew I shouldn’t have listened to this book as soon as I heard the narrator’s voice but I pushed on. Then I almost quit when I realized how depressed the story was making me feel but I was already invested. Having finished it, I am haunted and disgusted in the worst way. I have..
Review from Awaken Online: Happy →