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I wish this had been a side quest

Review from Timeless →

I enjoyed it for the most part. I found Kate to be annoying for some parts and good in others, I like the idea of he abilities, but I kind of wished it was implemented slightly differnt. If it was just a side quest, I think I could have enjoyed playing with her abilities without..

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Omg the twist at the end

Review from Timeless →

Ok. I HATE KATE!!!!! And I find Kates likable. Could this book be a side quest? Yes!!!! Did it get better as it went along? Yes!!!! Is it woke? Kate at the beginning. Imagine antman 3 where everything could be avoided if they would just open their mouth and let the other main character know..

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Roller coaster indeed.

Review from Timeless →

We’re warned beforehand that this would be a hectic story and he wasn’t wrong. It took us forwards,backwards and sideways and just when you thought it was over, the epilog throws a grenade that gives “WHOA!!!!!!” a whole new meaning. I love a author that can surprise me with story that seems plausible yet far..

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Review from Timeless →

Gotta say I have loved, and I mean seriously loved this set of books, but this one just felt long and drawn out. The new avatar made zero sense, and the entire premise behind the book felt disjointed and held together with duct tape and prayers. After smiles and Fins introduction books I was actually..

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Pathetic excuse for literature

Review from Timeless →

One of the most cringeworthy books I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to. The story is horrible, characters are horrible, and the narrator has a nasally whiny voice that makes the already whiny characters unbearable. Another typical example of lazy writing… AI or other program doing all the hard work. I’m really curious about..

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Stephen King Wannabe

Review from The Resort →

I felt like there were quite a few rip-offs from Stephen King. But, that aside, I did not enjoy this book at all. Too many gross, dark, disgusting events. Too much on the dark side of humanity. No redeeming qualities. Not even really scary – just gross. I finished it because it was referred to..

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