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Best one yet!!!

Review from Timeless →

Fantastic addition to an already thrilling rollercoaster ride of a series! There’s not been a book yet that wasn’t enthralling, but this stepped it up to a whole other level.

Slow burn but totally worth it

Review from Timeless →

A lot of this book is boring bout necessary. I didn’t like one character because she just seemed inhumanly unable to communicate but tried to act clever. She was lame. You’ll figure it out. The epilogue was probably the best part of the book. It really brought one character together.

It’s getting so good

Review from Timeless →

This story is finally taking shape. I’m not sure what more I need say… credit well spent? Can’t wait for more? If you’re reading this review you already know the series is good

A twist

Review from Awaken Online: Apathy (Side Quest) →

I’m writing this review after listening to every book all the way through timeless. I love the series but Eliza is someone I resonate with on such a personal level, and the hippie had me laughing many times. This is my favorite book of the series just because of how much I relate to Eliza