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So very good.

Review from Awaken Online: Unity →

This was great. Side stories are usually lesser books. However, this adventure with Frank is fantastic, including great attention to his character development. The previous side quest book involving Riley was also so much more than what I expected. I really enjoyed this one!

Love this!

Review from Awaken Online: Unity →

go frank! awhhhh man! this was so needed in the awaken online series. I can see how the content in this book will be adding into the overall plot so perfectly yet at the same time I have no idea how Travis Bagwell is going to give it to us. please please keep writing and..

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Super great book

Review from The Son of Tarzan →

This is the best of the Tarzan books so far and I don’t see how any books in the series could be better. I stayed up all night because I just could not stop listening to the riveting story of Tarzan’s son, Jack. Eight year old Jack runs away from home with an ape from..

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great book

Review from Awaken Online: Catharsis →

what took me so long to get this book. great narrator comes off as a little dry in humor but works for character. the voices for the side characters are a good pick and can easily tell them apart. the story is a great twist on a dark character not the regular hero that we..

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