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loved it

Review from Awaken Online: Unity →

I didn’t really care for Frank before this book but after this he is my favorite I care more for the relationship between frank and ana then Jason and Riley


Review from Awaken Online: Unity →

Frank’s story was definitely overdue. I absolutely love the story, everything about it. I think that Frank can definitely pass the Keeper trials now. Sorry Travis, but I will always wish the book was longer.

inconsistent characters

Review from Awaken Online: Dominion →

Jason is so inconsistent it’s infuriating. He’s a genius when the plot calls for it but 90% of the time he’s an unbearable idiot. I’m not referring to the dense romance part, I don’t even need to comment about that. I’m talking about the entirety of the book.

Excellent Resource

Review from Dysfunctional Practices →

This is an excellent resource for any safety professional. I was so pleased with this book and it’s guidance that I bought a hard copy to share with my plant staff. This is the concept of caring put into words and actions that will help you and your team reach your safety goals.