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Review from Awaken Online: Evolution →

This book feels 3 times as long as it needs to be, going into subplots that are almost identical to previous, and have very boring substance, with unlikable and uninteresting characters (the sheep play in particular was atrocious) if you are writing a character specifically to be annoying, then the reader is also likely going..

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Terrible reader

Review from Behold the Void →

I had heard great things about the author and this collection of stories. I was really looking forward to listening I love scary unusual. I made it about halfway through the book and dislike the narrator from the very beginning. I had hoped at the narrator would grow on me as the book went on..

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Review from The Lost Starship →

struggled to keep listening. The narration isn’t great across the different characters, especially the feminine characters. Creativity is lacking where tactics, ship classes, and enemies are concerned.


Review from Awaken Online: Dominion →

Three things… 1. I HATE ALEXEON! Well done on creating a horrible antagonist that makes me want to throw my phone across the room. 2. A note to the author: I appreciate the need for roller coaster ups and downs to create plot and such, but good grief! This is just constant drops! No spoilers,..

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Very nice fantasy story

Review from Shield of Winter →

I liked this book. I listened to it on audible. The narrator was very good using different inflections for different characters. The story was interesting and though I did not read or listen to the first book in the series I had no trouble following along with this book. I liked the main characters. I..

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