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Review from Campaigns and Curses →

Somehow I knew who was going to be Mayor of Pigsend, I just didn’t know all the secrets people have! Much like a true political race people are being blackmailed about family secrets. The candidates just want to protect their family from the queens irrational laws. Also true to political fashion you are kept guessing..

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Mystery, friendship and spice

Review from Reluctant Wizard →

Just when you think surely she can’t possibly make another installment as good as the previous ones Jeffy Kennedy produces this excellent book. Yes, it provides enough backstory on its own that you could start here but why deny yourself? For long time fans it provides deeper world building and furnishes those nerdy details you’ve..

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Review from An Endeavour to Be Worthy →

I always enjoy listening/reading another version of Jane Austin’s character, it give you another view of the characters and in some cases-like this one-brings them more alive. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!