It was a fantastic story, for me it was difficult to get into but I had been told by many sources it was worth it so I stuck to it. I’m not sure at what point I got really invested but it definitely happened. By about midway I found myself drawn to so many of..
View: craig - page 4
I must first start by saying that this was actually my favourite story of this author so far, while I wished we had more from the point of view of the teenagers, it was a good story, I did enjoy more the first 3 books, then when the story went for Deb group and finally..
not the ending I was hoping for
Review from Empty Bodies →
really good
Review from Empty Bodies →
Pros:1) fun magic system. Magic seems to be loosely wuxia based and has serious Last Airbender Vibes, though very minimalist in natural and unrefined. Cons:1) Caricature levels of melodrama. There is literally nothing but angst fueled depression for the vast majority of the novel, if not the entire thing. I honestly don’t know because I..
Cool world building but more filler then action.
Review from The Sword of Kaigen: A Theonite War Story →
i like the world building but the writing can go from good to babys first anime (chapter 1-10) which made me put this book down for 3 months. the middle action is AWESOME and I thought I’d get more in the end but the back half of the book is kinda boring that’s clearly building..