I feel like the author has just stalled out on the main story arc. 3 books later and we’re still on the same side quest with only miniscule mentions of the main goal. 10 straight hours for 1 fight/raid whatever
View: craig - page 28
First 2/3rds of the book are great. Action, problem solving, new interesting characters. The final 1/3rd of the book is effectively setting up the next book. Necessary prose maybe. I think the book would have been served well by adding about 7-10 chapters and ending on a series of cliffhangers given everything that is coming…
As in all previous “Grand Game” books, the characters are uniquely engaging with a variety of different personalities and quirks. That said, the “cliffhanger” is killing me, honestly my only complaint is that I have to wait for the next book to release. LolI LOVE the story, characters, mechanics, lol, all the challenges poor Michael..
The first 2/3 of the book while fun, do not advance the at all. It is extremely frustrating to have a vast story world with great potential that rarely gets paid off. The first 10 hours are a side quest in which the MC grows strong but does nothing to address the ever-growing list of..
Excellent completion
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