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AI Prompting

Review from Teaching with AI →

Found the content helped me appreciate the value of writing (and teaching how to write) quality prompts. Found the examples overwhelming at times. Also have the hardcopy to take notes as I listened and will return to specific parts of textbook to review further whenI have more time to process.

Just No

Review from Alpha Bait: Three Werewolves for Dylan →

I’ve read lots of erotica and nothing has made me gag like this one. Even thinking about some of the description scenes while writing this has me gagging. This really is that boarderline of noncon and forced consent I’m just not into.

Wanting more of JUDE

Review from Sweet Nightmare →

I wish I could’ve loved this book I felt like I needed more. Overall I did fall for “Jude” wish there was more of him and all other characters were great as well especially Izzy and Remy . It was a pretty good book I enjoyed it.

loved it!

Review from Hidden Moon →

I loved this series! listened to it at work and couldn’t stop listening once I got home! I really hope the author continues the story for Uncle Shawn!

Great story

Review from Alpha Bait: Three Werewolves for Dylan →

How Dillan met & interacted withthe 1st werewolf was interesting. Who would do that in an office? The progression to a relationship with Riker was inevitable. The inclusion. of Steve was weird too. I was wondering how the author was going to work in his role. His father was an absolute brute and got what..

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