Excellent performance and factual story. I enjoyed listening to it. Good historical outlook if the time represented.
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
The parallels to today’s fractured America are striking. Author Achorn presents a wide-ranging review of the political landscape of the day, a setting roiling with the ingrained hatred of man for man. Elected to a second term, Lincoln delivers his inaugural address to a stressed nation that is struggling to come to terms with a..
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
After almost 15,000 books that have been written about Lincoln and dozens that I have read I was surprised at the new insights from this book. I heard the author being interviewed on a broadcast and before the show was over I had ordered this book. I have now been through it three times. This..
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
This book was enjoyable, and had several details which I did not know before. I had the impression the author was stretching some occurrences to make the narrative long enough for a book. I am happy the author affirmed my long held beliefs about Lincoln’s attitude toward abolition. Many point to his pre-war comments to..
At age 82 believing I knew about the Civil War from Grant’s autobiography, I had a lot to learn. Washington politics during Lincoln’s term not only were complex but they evolved as the war progressed. This is a book of insight, well- written, and will benefit anyone interested in that era of the growth of..
Review from Every Drop of Blood →
There have probably been more books written about Lincoln than any other American. So it’s hard to come up with something new (though in recent years I’ve read good books about his “Team of Rivals,” the Gettysburg address, and the people all the employees working at Ford’s Theater the night the president was assassinated). This..
The best insight in particular into Lincoln’s cognitive dissonance with a lack of reasonable evidence for the God of the Bible and the emotional needs and strain and fear of leading a nation during war in which everyone was tempted to find some sort of overarching plan or purpose from a god when there was..
Review from Every Drop of Blood →