Whenever I know that there’s a new Lily Morton book I get this giddy feeling of anticipation! And I’m never disappointed!!!

Zeb and Jesse’s banter is epic, the humour is stellar and the book is so funny it’s NSFW (don’t try to sneak in reading in the office if you don’t want to be caught snorting or laughing out loud!)

I loved it! I loved the age gap(Zeb’s 44 to Jesse’s 24), the fact that the Zeb and Jesse have secretly crushed on each other for the three years they’ve been working together and the way they get better with each other.
Zeb has a bit too much of a martyric and self-sacrificing tendency for my tastes, but that comes with his history, and luckily Jesse is not the child others expects him to be, but a man who knows who he wants and is determined to have Zeb at any cost!
Also, I have my eyes set on a couple of guys I’d love to read about next…