To be honest I have no idea what to say about this book beyond read it, then come join the rest of us in burning MKG’s house down except we don’t because we have to wait for him to evict The Shadowmaster and make another damned book about it that I will definitely read.
To The Shadowmaster. Fuck you very much and thank you very much. Your still very much a grating asshole that makes me grind my teeth every five minutes I listen to you. Yet you still are a bloody fun story. I hope one day I can meet you if only to thank you for these stories and to kick you like you did to that angel guy who I have already forgotten the name of.
To MKG your a great author may you burn in hell for this awesome twist you asshole. Make sure to either give us another cliffhanger or a better ending than the one The Shadowmaster gave star wars or I will burn down your house.
I think I have made my opinion clear. Read this book and enjoy it. The gods know I did, and it is for that reason I will give it Five stars along with two death threats.
PS Thank you Jeffery Kafer for bringing this pain in the ass to life. You won’t get your house burnt down… Probably. Matt Damon obsessed Box lady, there are people out there that will never understand you. I am one of them. RC Bray You shall always be Skippy to me, but you make a pretty good God of Gods too.