Lucy Lenoir has secrets. There are reasons she prefers the animals she rescues to humans, very good reasons. High Mountain Tracker Bo Rivera, however, is determined to change that preference, if only he could get Lucy to give him half a chance! Tense, action packed, and suspenseful! Filled with richly defined, beautifully developed real feeling characters, some facing heartbreaking personal tragedies. All speaking dialogue that rings true, painfully so at times. Heartbreaking situations that feel all too real! Situations that could be real! Perfectly balanced writing that skillfully walks that fine line of dealing with unsavory and uncomfortable subject matter head on, not over sensationalizing, and keeping the violence to only what’s necessary to the plot, never drifting to the gratuitous or just to shock. This is why Freya Barker is my absolute favorite writer in this genre! High Impact held me hostage from the opening lines and didn’t let me go until the last words were spoken. My heart was in my throat! I have never once been disappointed by a Freya Barker story and this one was certainly no exception. No spoilers. I loved it. Brilliantly written and beautifully narrated it was pure pleasure across the board. Five fantastic stars!