I’m over this Tarot Arc… maybe “Awaken: Online” all together. **Some plot Spoilers below**

I want/wanted this series to be good but it’s all around just to Basic in all aspect. I feel like this series is written for a child, yet every book Drops the F-bomb multiple times.

Your Adult Characters need to act like adults, not teenagers. Fin is willing to give everything to get Rebecca (who is dead) back in a digital form, yet he is willing throw away his budding new relationship between him and is daughter Venessa at every point in the story… for what?… a Glimmer of a possibility to get Rebecca back in a digital ghost form. So ridiculous. Venessa has total daddy issues, doing anything got Fins approval. Kylie is clearly going to have an romance with Venessa the future.

We know Fin’s going to succeed in whatever happens, it was already Foreshadowed in the Original Awaken Online with the players now being able to play a Fire Elementals. This book should have Cut the fat & just finish, how it finished was barely a stopping point. Evolve the La Hob and battle or befriend Jason