Narrator Review:

Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa have done another fabulous job making the characters come to life. Wyatt and Natasha are brought to life by these great narrators.

Book Review:

Who knew you’d meet the “One” at your ex’s wedding? Well, Natasha sure didn’t. Natasha and Wyatt’s love story was slow coming, but I think that is what made it sooooooo good!

Natasha is CIA. She is chasing a hacker, The Knight, who is selling information to terrorists. Please are dying because of The Knight. Wyatt and the rest of Echo go and help Natasha find The Knight and stop him. You are at the edge of your seat as you hope they stop him before more people die. (I don’t want to spoil it for anyone…go read it! You will not regret it.)

Brittney Sahin is a master at creating characters that feel so real! You are not reading a story about 2 characters, you are invested in your friends! I love how she not only gives us the story about the 2 main characters, but she continues the stories of past main characters. The bonds that hold the Teams together are strong. I love the camaraderie between the Team members. I love how they laugh, love, and protect each other. I will know that I will be sad once this series is over, but I know Brittney will keep these characters alive in the future books! (Grey and Jack? Army series? YES PLEASE!)