I work in child welfare and was very disturbed by this book. It’s a great example of how a grown man can find an abused child and prey on her. Kellen grooms the child from 8 years old and raises her to become his lover. Other reviewer say we should have an open mind, not judge the book using our own morality. They say it’s fine because Kellen is sweet and the child initiates everything. Those people are ignorant. All of that is just to romanticize a sexually abusive relationship between a grown man and a child. The fact that he is the only safe person in her life and he does not maintain and teach her safe and appropriate boundaries just makes it that much worse. I’m sure pedophiles are absolutely loving this book as they fill in the blanks between tender caresses and kisses on the lips with an 8 year old. It’s practically a textbook for groomers. I hope it tanks and that the author gets some education and or therapy on the damage these kinds of relationships have long-term on the victim and possibly therapy for his own inappropriate urges.