This book deals with brutality on many levels. Anyone who is interested in the Black Dahlia case must read this book -whether you ultimately agree with Steve Hodel’s assertions or not. He presents the history, the evidence, witness statements, press reports, and other elements in a compelling, organized way. The book is also extremely sad. So many lives were ended, forever changed, deeply wounded and scarred by these events . I cannot imagine the massive tangle of emotions Steve Hodel must feel thinkng about and writing about these things. He should be acknowledged and supported for his valiant efforts to get at and bring forth the entire truth for the sake of Justice. He was willing to find and report the facts – no matter where they led – up to and including his own family. This book is not for the faint of heart, and it is not for anyone bothered by forensics or graphic details. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in this case and in the checkered history of Los Angeles. The performance by Kevin Pierce is solid. It would have been excellent if Mr. Pierce had been provided with some of the location names written out phonetically – I almost missed the meaning a few times from off base pronunciations of typically Angelean locales (Sepulveda, Vallejo, etc.). Overall, this is an excellent, painful book with a heartfelt search for the whole truth and for Justice at its very core.