I review a lot of books and audiobooks and it pleases me when I find a gem. This was that! Let’s start off with the narration – I’m picky with my narrators so at any time if they take me out of the book…I’m out. I didn’t do it in this book! I found Sarah Puckett to be soothing when she needed to be and to switch characters when she needed to. She enunciated but didn’t overpronounce her words – some do that and it bothers me. She always had emotions that matched the book. I really enjoyed that. Overall, I thought she did tremendously and am checking out her other work.

Now, the storyline – I will NOT be giving anything away. This is a book that kind of took a turn that I didn’t expect and it was amazing the way it’s told. I fell in love with the characters and I love little Laney and I loved Garrett. This is a book where you will feel every single emotion – you will get angry, you will cry, you will be happy and sad, but you will also feel tremendous completion at the end. It’s a journey that you’ll want to take no matter how much you know it’ll hurt. I don’t think I’ve ever rated five-stars for all and this is one of those books. You won’t be sorry you read it!!