Scattered Plume starts off right after the events in Fallen Flame. This story is sooooo intense!! I caught myself stopping doing what I should have been doing while listening to this audio book and paying all of my attention on it!

Vala’s saga continues in this book along with Xavyn. They’ve made it past the divide but something happened when she crossed. Some of the now defunct magic users are able to access some of their powers… like the mermen who’d lost their ability to live underwater and their tails are now able to breathe underwater. She meets a young woman, Enessa who is a Volare, who goes in their journey to Xavyns mistress.

Along the way, Vala sees the past, present and future thru the roots of a ficus tree and realizes that she is indeed the long dead Goddess, who took away the magic so long ago. Now she has to go find her 3 Feathers to become whole again and bring back magic. But nothing is ever as easy as it sounds… the discover foes that are working against them, find a pet dragon (love Vex!!) and have some of her future visions start to come true!! Gaaahhhh I felt so bad for Vala and Xavyn!!!

But good always conquers evil…. well done of it at least!!! The battle that takes place at the end was just WOW!! Amazing!! I wholeheartedly loved this audio book and loved that Vala and Xavyn were able to take their relationship to the next step as well as declare their love for each other… sniff I’m such a sap at these kinds of books. The narrator did such a fabulous job, I was so engrossed (as mentioned earlier) that I didn’t even want to stop listening to sleep!

Well done!!! 🙌 this book/audiobook definitely deserves ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐!!!

I just started the third audio book and can’t wait to leave a review for that!!

I recieved an ALC for my honest review.