Narrator Review:

Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa have done another fabulous job making the characters come to life. Jeffrey’s narration brings out AJ charm and wit! I loved it!

Book Review:

Who doesn’t love a cowboy? I don’t know anyone who doesn’t and Brittney sure wrote a HOT cowboy/Alpha SEAL. AJ is not just a HOT cowboy, but he’s loyal, smart, a great friend and brother. I know I say that every book in the Stealth Op’s is the best, but Brittney keeps getting better and better! The world she creates is soo real. I feel like I’m in it. I feel like I am watching my friends live their lives. You cry and laugh right along with them. Brittney not only makes her main character feel real, but her side characters are real too! I want to read about all of AJ’s siblings’ lives!

The chemistry was felt between AJ and Ana when we met her in Knox’s book, Finding the way Back. When Ana finally admits to herself that AJ is the one for her, the sparks fly! His loyalty and devotion to Ana never falters when others think she’s a double agent. He stands by her side from the beginning and fights for her.

I can’t wait to read more! Keep writing Brittney! I want more of the Echo team and AJ’s family!