Every now and then, a story can actually touch even my heart. lol I have definitely enjoyed this series. It’s a solid 4 star series. I’m grateful to the person who recommended it to me. I enjoyed the world, side characters, and the MC. What I enjoyed the most was the pacing of the story telling. I hate a rushed story. I want to be totally immersed. I want to actually give a crap what happens to the characters. The main thing is: Do I imagine being in the world with the characters? This series delivers. Immersion achieved.

1st off: I’m an Isekai fan. I always have been for as long as I can remember. Way before I had ever been introduced to the Japanese term. Which is why I found my way to LitRPGs. I’m not a huge fan of the overblown stats information. Give me the highlights; and we’re good. That way we can get back to the story. This series held a pretty good balance of that. A little too much in the 1st 2 books; but even those wasn’t the worst I’ve come across. It wrapped up things pretty well at the end. The end antagonists were… good. Not great; but good. Their abilities were impressive. But they weren’t as strong a character as some of them was earlier in the series. What the MC has to overcome in this book was intriguing and entertaining.

This was not a series that just blew me away. I’m not sure how much replay value I find in it…yet. Time will tell on that. But it is a story that kept me intrigued. Occasionally going in a different direction than I was expecting it to. Which is always a plus. It even hit me in the emotions in the end. There isn’t a whole lot that I disliked about how the story was wrapped up. And I’m sure that most people will disagree with what part I liked and disliked. Trying to not give spoilers. Which makes it impossible to go more into that part.

Anyway; the series was worth it to me. I’m pleased that I got it. It wasn’t the hardest put down, and come back to later. But it is one that I did want to know what happens next. There was no way I could just drop the series, and not finish it. The world was too interesting; as well as the MC and all his various clan members. A nice variety of characters. This isn’t a spoiler: but I really enjoyed the reveal of who Ragnar was in the real world. He was by far, the best side character of the whole series. I loved to hate that little lunatic!