I bought this off of all the reviewers comments on how this is next Firefly. Wow, just plain wow. Firefly was quality scifi. This is barely passable as entertainment. This is The Orville, only not even as good as that and The Orville is something to watch when there is nothing else on. So first, we have this captain of the ship, with his ex wife as his pilot. Of course she criticizes his every move. I guess this is supposed to be endearing banter? Picture this, they are in a fire fight, with seconds to act or die. The captain barks an order, the ex wife criticizes and argues. Every time, all the time. Don’t be surprised if you feel like you might vomit. Now maybe the reader’s inflections make her sound so horrible, I don’t know. Here’s the thing, this is barely entertainment, but if you forget to download a good book, this is better than nothing, sort of anyway. But, you get the whole series for one credit, although I am thinking I got ripped off. If you like this series, fine. But don’t link this with any good scifi. This is not Firefly, or Stargate, or Star Trek, or The Expanse. This is some poorly written sci fi that might bring you some small entertainment value. That is it.