I literally cannot say enough good things about this book. Every single chance I got was spent listening, I couldn’t put it down. I loved the writing, the storyline, all of it. This is already one of those books that has me wanting more. That being said, I think adding to it wouldn’t make sense…I’m just being greedy. I wish so badly it didn’t end. This is one of those books that grabs your attention right from the start, no waiting to get “into” the storyline. My only critique would be that I wanted to get a little more closure on a few things when the book ended, but you are left feeling good…left to piece together what you want the ending to be in that regard. I think anything more being added to this would have spoiled what is already so great. I already know this is a book I won’t stop thinking about for at least the next 2 weeks. I’m excited to read others by this author, and I will most definitely be recommending to friends. So happy I read this, one of my new favorites.