This story was really good!! Kept me hooked from beginning all through to the very end. It was far better and way more intriguing than most murder mystery, thrillers. And of know, at least for me, it’s because of the horror genre! Which Bentley Little is just genius at! As far as horror is concerned though I’d have to say that his book Handyman is much more up that alley than this book. Although the types of murders done in this book are definitely horrific. And for the majority of this book I must say I couldn’t stand Al. Even still ALL of the characters were very well developed and just amazing for how they were meant to be! I thought the narrator did an excellent job indeed!! When I played the sample I wasn’t fond of the narrator but listening to the actual story I quickly changed my mind. He did great! All in all this was a great experience and I highly recommend this book!

**Their are some very explicit scenarios in this story that I would rate R+ Just fyi for parents**