Characters realistic and admirable

Caedin a good hero – not perfect, improved over time. He started out as materialistic and the disaster helped him reevaluate his priorities. Mistakes…he did not insist his fiancĂ©e, Becky, leave Atlanta before the bomb hit Atlanta nor did he get his gun when camping and he sensed danger. The best choice would have been he had his gun on him. His choices improved…he chose to tell the truth and he wisely chose Maria over Becky.

His sister, Lisa, listened to two different men on two different occasions, who had her best interests at heart, which probably saved her life two times.

I liked that most people were not portrayed as all good or all bad, that their motives were revealed. The drug addicts and career criminals were realistically portrayed as without moral compass.

Some very good solutions for handling refugees, squatters camps. Brief story about organizing for long term survival and bartering.

Military strategies educational. Very much liked the adult male behaviors of de-escalating volatile situations.