Well, I’ve never written a review for a book in my entire life. But this time I felt compelled to do so, if for no other reason than to prevent some other poor fool from reading/listening to this absolutely horrible book. Save your money and buy literally ANYTHING else.

From the very beginning, it’s quite apparent that this author has zero knowledge of survival techniques or of the military. While that would be just fine if the book’s main characters were just Joe civilian, in this case two of the main characters are supposedly Navy SEALs. Throughout the entire book these two “Navy SEALs” make the most incredibly stupid tactical decisions possible. Plus they continuously defer to the opinion of a female civilian. The book tries so hard to make this female the lead character/bad ass that it’s laughable. The two “Navy SEALs” constantly refer to every military vehicle as “Army Jeeps” because the author has the equivalent knowledge of most 5 year olds when it comes to the military. The author also apparently believes that the United States Military is issued “AK-47’s”. I could go on and on, but if I haven’t convinced you to not buy this book at this point then I’m probably not going to and you actually deserve what’s coming your way.