This is a wonderfully fun and sexy series! I loved all these characters. I broke each book down separately for convenience. Jeffrey Kafer does a great job on all books.
By the light of the moon
Wow! Wow! Wow! Talk about an Alpha! I don’t think Damon could try to be anything less. He is strong and Oh SO demanding! Problem is he rescues a female werewolf who doesn’t take instruction well….and she likes to talk back..and likes to do her own thing. So Damon doesn’t know what to do with her. He can’t claim her but he can’t seem to leave her alone either.
This is one of my favorite shifter stories! Strong male and female leads! Oh and didnI mention possessive?! They each are so crazy over the other i can’t help but laugh at times. I love it! All that sass and sexy times are hot hot hot! Even the secondary characters were fun and crazy! I will mention Grandma!?! She was awesome!
I can NOT wait for the next in the series!! So glad I have this on audio to enjoy over and over! Jeffrey Kafer does possessive alpha so so well!
Beneath a blood lust moon
Braxton we met in book 1 and now he has been shot with silver bullett. He ends up at Kate’s B&B. Things seems to move a bit slowly through most of this book. Basically it’s just the two main characters getting to know and fall for each other. I get it! I do! The sevens need to be set for what happens later in the story. Once Damon shows up at the B&B things start to get interesting. Then the writer ladies showed up! Best part of the book! Calling Damon a vampire..hahahaha Poor Damon..the big bad guardian scared of a few human women. Such a funny time! Actually these women almost stole the storyline! I was always wondering who they would prey upon next! Then add Granny and Ava to the mix and dang I couldn’t stop laughing or listening to this second half of this.
Desires of a full moon
This one seemed to be more serious. Haley is the kidnapped victim from Book 1 and Jayden helped save her. So they have a history together. We do find out a few horrifying things down to Jayden when he was caught and held hostage or for revenge by the Red Wolves. I can’t even imagine his pain and torture. Lucky for them Granny loves her parties and they both need up again. it’s not until the packmaster sends Jayden to watch Haley that things start to change. We do get to see Braxton/Kate and Damon/Ava again. Those characters liven up the story with their talk of costumes and such.
Over all this is a good story that ties a few loose ends up. It’s not my fav but still a good read.