This is a disclaimer and heads up for anybody thinking this is going to be similar in tone to Galaxy Outlaws: if you go into this story expecting more of the same episodic, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants action/comedy adventure as Galaxy Outlaws, you may find this story lacking.

This isn’t Galaxy Outlaws, and it isn’t trying to be. In terms of story and tone, if Galaxy Outlaws is pizza, then Astral Prime is a burrito. This story has a different flavor and texture for a different mood.

That is not a bad thing.

It feels like a lot of the negative reviews unfairly compare this to Galaxy Outlaws, when it’s neither the same tone, nor same type of story. It’s different, and that doesn’t make it bad.

There are characters you’ll like, some you’ll dislike, and some you’ll change your views on throughout the ride. There are character decisions made purely for petty, base and even political reasons. But you understand where each one is coming from.

Admittedly, I needed breaks between some of the stories, because I also expected more of the same “whiz-bang” of Galaxy Outlaws. Once I accepted this was a different story set in the same universe (think of it like Star Trek the Original series vs Deep Space Nine), the ride felt much smoother.

I love the different species and their own political factions, making them feel much more real in the Black Ocean. I love the political fighting and everyone wanting to be right. It’s a much more “human” story, for lack of a better word.

This is a slow-burn story where people make heavy mistakes, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It’s not for everybody, but it’s worth seeing through to the end.