(As posted in GoodReads)
I tried. I really did. This book is actually a collection of 3, and I have no idea how far I got in the collection! It was a fascinating idea, and I really enjoyed the very beginning: maybe the equivalent of the 1st of the 3 books – but then it was all involved in war and killing and escaping goblins, and it may be that had I finished, I would’ve enjoyed the end had decided to get more into personalities and relationships, but I just got so tired of the goblins and the intertwined worlds which, at the not been so involved in war and hatred, I may have been able to enjoy. I finally just decided that I’ve had it. No more Twinborn. I bought it primarily for my son, who really enjoyed it and decided to read the sequel (books 4 through 7). He is more of the fantasy fan than I, but I have found some of his choices surprisingly satisfying (Dresden Files, for instance). Sigh. So it goes…
Review from Twinborn Chronicles: Awakening Collection →