3.5 Stars Overall

This is my first time with a Clare London book, and with this audiobook, we actually get two novellas and two even shorter stories in this collection bundle which is really nice. Both of the main books are shorter cute novellas with a lot of humor added into them, and then the shorter stories at the end are an added fun bonus since we get to look back in on both couples. I really had fun listening to all of the books that were included. I especially liked the second book and the narration of the characters in that one. With a narration being done by the captivating Joel Leslie, his narration and accents for each of the characters in these books was great to hear, he does such a great job getting different voices and dialects across to sound amazing to your ear. Although there were a few times I struggled trying to understand Nuri & his family’s accents (book 1) since they were so thick but that is more of an issue with “me” and not the narration itself. When we get into book two Joel’s narration really stands out especially for the part of Phiz, I really liked Phiz’s character a lot and Joel Leslie is a genius when it comes to audiobook narrations and giving us the characters exactly how they are written.

~ A Twist and Two Balls ~

Eduardo/Eddy is a super overly dramatic (failing) actor, who can’t seem to find a job or be anywhere on time or have anything go right for him at all, he seems to have mostly just bad luck in life. He meets Nuri when he tries to run from paying Nuri for his cab ride. lol. Nuri is instantly drawn to Eddie and their connection is formed. They both have some baggage and past issues they have to work through regarding their jobs and family, but this book is really low angst and Drama. Well, besides all of Eddie’s ridiculous self-made drama anyways. There is a good amount of character development and dialogue between all the characters. Nuri has a huge family, some of the names and what they each did, was kind of hard to keep track of but all of their interactions together were hilarious. There was a lot of information packed into this book for it being so short. Overall it was okay and I liked it.

~Bonus Book~

The first bonus book we get follows Eddy and Nuri around the holidays. Once again I was totally amused by these two men. Nuri’s dialogue and how his brothers and he get all the phrases they say wrong will make you laugh. It’s almost like they do it to irritate Eddy, lol. Hahaaa. Omg. And Eddy is afraid of Santa and all the impersonators!?!? “The Santa gangs are stalking him” LMAO. It got a little odd at the end with the wishes and the weird Santa. But it was still a good addition and it was nice to re-visit this couple and get another look at their lives together.

~ Slap and Tickle ~

I liked this book so much more than the first one. Phiz is an awesome ball of energy who bounces nonstop off the walls. He makes me think of the bubbles fizzing in soda just bouncing and popping around with no rhyme or reason. Phiz’s personality fully stood out in the forefront of this book. Bryan is the complete and total opposite, he’s steady, stuffy, predictable and boring. The dynamic between Phiz and Bryan was great once they figured out what they both wanted and needed and how to give it to each other, and I ended up liking this story. I hated that Bryan’s ex made him feel like he was not normal, less than he was and couldn’t be loved because of the things he likes. Phiz needs to have someone control parts of him, it helps calm the buzzing inside, and Bryan needs to be in charge in the bedroom. Phiz and Bryan are perfect for each other when it comes to the sexual aspect of their relationship, and they explore parts of some light-BDSM together becoming more comfortable with themselves and each other. But there was a struggle for them getting to that point in life and in their relationship, they definitely hit some bumps in the road along the way.

~Bonus Book~

Phiz is kind of insane *in a good way*… And I’m not quite sure how Bryan deals with his craziness…