As usual a Saffron book is full of steaminess and dirty talking alphas that make you swoon. She loves her age gaps where the heroine is significantly younger than the hero. This book is no exception.

There are some differences in this book though that are worth note. The heroine was really weak and sadly a doormat with a lot of self deprecating descriptions of herself that begin with the word “witchy” witchy eyes, witchy ways, witchy hair, witchy pu… LOL Her sister and parents did a number on her self esteem and make her feel less than but apparently very witchy!

Speaking of her sister, she is in love with her sister’s boyfriend Arrow of the Darling Arrow claim to fame. She has been in love with him or something like love since she was a child which poses a problem since she is such a witchy girl (insert smirk here). This love doesn’t sit right with her until she learns about Arrow and her witchy with a B sister’s relationship with Arrow.

Arrow is a soccer player who doesn’t believe in breaking the rules and will except nothing but perfection. How then can he be attracted to this “witchy” girl and why can’t he keep his perfect paws off of her.

It is fun listening to them struggle to stay away from each other if fun is another word for frustrating and well insane.

This is indeed a sexy read as we would expect but it would have been even better if our “witchy” heroine were a bit more mature and had more self esteem.

The narration was really good as one might expect from the sexy throated Jason Clarke and Sarah Puckett!

Overall it was an enjoyable listen.