4.5⭐️ 3🌶️

This was my first A Zavarelli book and I can already say it’s not my last because I went back and started at the beginning of the Sin City Salvation series and finished the first in the series last night!

I honestly don’t want to say too much about the plot of this one, because it was a wild ride and I feel going in blind would make for the best read. What I will say is that it is dual timeline with an ex-military turned rockstar MMC — yummm! There were twists and turns and there was definitely angst. I was on the edge of my hypothetical seat sooo many time waiting to see what would happen! There are moments you may want to be mad at one or the other, or both main characters, but in the end all I wanted was to root hard for their happy ending because, wow did they ever deserve it.

I listened to this on audio, and at first the male narrator, James Anderson Foster, kind of struck me as not a typical romance sounding narrator — he sounds more like the sci-fi narrators my husband’s audiobooks have — but I was really used to his voice by the end and his narration was clear and smooth. The female narrator, Stefanie Kay, was a perfect fit for the FMC and I really enjoyed listening to her voice. It’s a pretty long audiobook at nearly 17 hours, so you get lots of listening time with this one!