I’ve been with Audible for 9 years and this is the first time that I’ve felt the need to write a review. We’ve all read/listened to books with characters that we couldn’t warm up to or just couldn’t stand. I liked Knight in the first book. He was a smart, interesting character that I wanted to learn more about and I thought he deserved his own story. He deserved much better than what he got.

Possible spoilers…

From the first meeting, I absolutely loathed Elliot. He was whiny, went out of his way to be rude, had NO redeeming qualities, and needs some serious help from a mental professional. He got smacked around several times after picking fights with the bikers then whined because no one liked him. He intentionally made bad decisions that caused himself and/or Knight to be hurt physically. One of the bikers even referred to Elliot as a parasite. He romanticized a serial killer, insisting the killer, William Fane, raped and tortured 30 young men because they all broke Fane’s heart…. Even with hard evidence of Fane’s cruelty, Elliot still believed his ghostly crush was just misunderstood. Elliot is the only character that I’ve ever hated so much that I wished him a horrible gruesome drawn out death.

I ended up only getting a little over half way through the book before I had all I could take. I can’t believe that I made it that far. My friend managed to finish it and implied that Elliot got what he deserved from Fane. He could have been sent back in time to endure all of the torture and death that was meant for Laurent and that wouldn’t be one tenth of what Elliot deserves.

As I said, I liked Knight but after all of the times he stood against everyone for that useless POS, it made me lose all respect for him. He should have been with Jake or even took his ex girlfriend back. Anyone but Elliot. By the time I stopped listening, I had begun to hate him and felt like he deserved all of the trouble Elliot caused him and that Beast should have given Knight the ultimatum of Elliot or the MC.

I’m going to return this book and wait for the reviews on the next in the series. If the next books are laden heavily with Elliot, I won’t be wasting my credits. To all of the 2+ star reviews, I’m honestly confused. Were we listening to the same book? But hey, you like what you like and you keep doing you. To everyone thinking about trying this book, good luck.