I enjoyed the series more or less up to this point, but I won’t be going any further. The story doesnt seem like its polished at all, and events seem slapped together. That’s not the biggest problem though.

I found it so unrealistic, that the best school in the region to further ones magic capabilities is so massively under equipped to handle its students. How in the world can the students even hold a candle to the instructors, let alone smack them around? These are CHILDREN, why are they so damn strong, and acting like adults? Evey snobby noble has all the power in the world inside a school that’s the most prestigious in the land. BS. They’ve never encountered bratty kids before? The staff has no way of handling them? Every one of these noble children are cartoonishly evil and have no depth outside “I’m an important noble”.

Why in the world is Arthur a teacher? There was no reason for it, and the book even gave a reasonable solution to the problem of a missing teacher, but instead gave the position to Arthur, who hasnt been vetted by anyone.

It’s poor character creation, but I’m thoroughly repulsed by the casual PEDOPHILIA in this book. Arthur, who is basically a 50 year old man, kisses the princess, a young teenager, and has romantic feeling towards her. I dont care that hes conflicted, I dont care that hes in the body of a child, its gross. This, didnt even have to be a problem! It would have been so easy for the author to make the princess nothing more than a good friend! The romance conflict is so creepy and unnecessary. It’s a constant theme and there’s no part of this uncomfortable romance between Arthur and the princess that’s healthy, even for children. Never before has a book caused me to shriek in disgust.

Its total bull that Arthur, in his previous 37 years as grandmaster asskicker, has never been with a woman in any capacity. Theres no trauma to explain why, just a loose “yeah probably a bad idea”. Hormones dont work like that.

Deep into the 3/4th book, we finally figure out how the magic ranks go, which is creative, but makes no sense. Red, orange, yellow… then white??? Silver and purple somewhere in there too? What happened to the simple rainbow you were building?

I’d say the plot is mildly interesting, but with so many mistakes, the book seems not only poorly written, but unpolished. The book has gone downhill in quality, I dont care about any of the characters, none of it is relatable, I genuinely hate this book.