So while i loved the first book, and i did enjoy this book the major sticking point that killed it for me is simple. In the precious book the MC made it very clear there was a difference between being evil, and being a villain. One is about doing what you want, seizing power and doing everything you can to be king, the other is just being a monster. He is a villain not a monster. This is a distinction I can understand and get behind. Then in this book the MC basically goes evil, killing needlessly, torturing because he can, and so on. In other words at several points in the story he acted directly against his own stated code, ethics and truths, just for the hell of it and that just doesn’t sit right. Add to this the number of rants that happen, that while enjoyable kind of derail the story and well you get my score. I’d go lower as the prior does really bother me, but outside of these two reasons the book does what it sets out to do, entertain.

Other than that the book maintains the great mixture of cleverness, humor and fulfilling several fantasies any writer and a number of readers have had and its still a fun book. Just it hit one of my pet peeves, characters being evil not really being villainous.

As for the narrator, haven’t heard Kafer do a less than stellar performance and he doesn’t start here.